Opening During COVID-19 (Phase II)
OPEN: JUNE 19, 2020
ICWL will resume Friday (Jumuah) prayer starting on Friday, June 19, 2020.
Jazakamullahu Khairan
OPEN: JUNE 19, 2020
ICWL will resume Friday (Jumuah) prayer starting on Friday, June 19, 2020.
- Only one *SHORT* Friday prayer at 1:00 PM with limited capacity. Please come before khutba. We will consider a second khutba later ISA if we reach our limited capacity.
- All prayers will be conducted with social distancing, as marked on the floors. Please maintain a minimum *6 feet* distance at all times.
- Both upstairs and downstairs areas will be used for Jumuah.
- Sisters are encouraged to pray at home, to leave more room for men fulfilling the fard. Sisters could join from *downstairs* next to the kitchen. There will be no partition during Jumuah.
- Admission is based on First-Come-First-Served Basis until the capacity is reached.
- No one is allowed in the masjid without *face mask*.
- All attendees must bring their own *prayer rug*.
- Please perform the necessary *Wudu at home* before arriving to the Masjid. All bathrooms and Wudu areas will be locked.
- Please use your own sanitizer before coming to the Masjid.
- No prayer after the Fard salah, please pray Sunnah at home.
- All attendees are requested to vacate the premises in a systematic way to avoid crowding at the exit doors. Rows closer to the exit will vacate first.
- No hand shaking or hugging within the Masjid premises.
- Anyone with Cough and Flu like symptoms will not be allowed on the Masjid premises.
- Adults 65 years of age or older or individuals with pre-existing conditions are requested to stay at home.
- Children under the age of 15 years will not be allowed.
- By entering the Masjid, you agree to the risk involved and will not hold ICWL and its Board Members responsible from any exposure or harm that may arise due to your attendance at the Masjid.
Jazakamullahu Khairan